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Role of Digital Platform to Promote Food culture tourism in Nepal
When people think of Nepal they automatically relate it to the top ten tallest mountains, various passes, windy valleys on the base of big mountains and hills and a land filled with adventure opportunities such as trekking and expedition. But, that’s not yet Nepal is equally rich in its food culture. With various ethnic groups scattered in various parts of Nepal and the cultural variety they bring to the table, Nepal can be a food hub and a pioneer of new food culture inspires all over the world.
However, poor use of available digital platforms has obstructed Nepal from becoming a food hub. So, on today’s topic we bring up the use of digital platform in a proper way to increase the reach of Nepalese food Travel culture.
Food Culture tourism promotions
As we all know, we can reach millions of potential enthusiasts in a matter of seconds and are able to influence food culture all over the world with the help of these online tools and media platforms. So rather than waiting for the proper opportunity, we should try putting our efforts into creating awareness via various online campings. Which brings us to these tools mentioned below, let’s take a look:
Writing Website Blogs
Uploading food items on various Social Media Platforms
Creating interesting videos on video streaming platforms (Youtube)
Exploring trending platforms such as Tiktok and stimulating people’s interest
Writing Website Blogs
A very straightforward trick to infiltrate people’s life and get people aware of Nepalese food tourism prospects is by using blog writing platforms. As study shows there are all together 600 million blogs worldwide. A well known site called Tumblr alone hosts the highest number of blogs which is around 496 million and counting. Likewise, another platform called WordPress is on the second spot with 70 million blogs and Joomla platform has about 1.83 million blogs, whereas Drupal powers approximately 1.1 million sites.
When you search a certain query, google immediately scrolls through these sites and shows you the reliable results in a matter of milliseconds, so rather than using paid platforms, you can just start a blog and insert your cookbook ideas in your blogs. This helps new and enthusiastic people to grab it, try it and integrate these delicacies in their off-regular courses.
Other efficient ways to promote your cousin can be from using numerous Guest Posts on famous cooking sites that you are fond of reading. If you are a food enthusiast you can also start a Forum about Nepalese food and ethnic food served in your locality in the forums of Quora. Likewise, you can also start a pole or a page on Reddit to answer various questions asked by these food enthusiasts to increase the presence of Nepalese Cousines online as well.
While promoting, you should not only give a clear instruction of the food but you should also create your content in such a way that it reflects your research, credibility and input you have poured while writing the blog or the article.
Uploading food items on various Social Media Platforms
Social media has been an integral part of people’s day to day and is currently one of the main sources of information. In 2020, over 10.2 million Nepalese use facebook in Nepal. Likewise, newer generations are powring into Instagram and even a short video website such as Tiktok. Though people use these platforms to connect with people from different backgrounds, it can also be used to promote your local food and even businesses.
These platforms have become so integrated in people’s lives that it now has a power to promote Food Culture tourism by getting people to notice your uploads. There are various communities where you can promote your local food, the places where it’s available and can upload these food items so that people get interested in visiting your locality and trying your local food.
You can find engagement groups with common interest, try using hashtags and other characters which categorizes your upload to an interest group. Likewise, you can capture an attractive food and on the caption and description, tell facts about the food you uploaded and reach out to millions of people at once. So, the proper use of these social media can take your business to newer heights.
Creating interesting videos on video streaming platforms (Youtube)
Another best way to gain more people’s attention is through moving pictures uploaded in video streaming sites such as Youtube. People often spend hours consuming content on youtube, so it's a perfect platform to pitch your recipe and get your dish to get into normal people’s kitchens.
From these video platforms, you can teach how to cook your recipes, you can give a step by step process of cooking and explain it to your viewers. With regular uploads, you can even develop a side income from your channel as well.
Explore trending platforms like Tiktok
Exploring fast growing social outlets can also be an avenue for the growth of your food items. You can take an example of a trending platform Tiktok which is now one of the most famous short video platforms in the world. People can use this platform to gain more attention from the general public. You can upload short clips explaining your dish and its significance on Tiktok summing it up in one minute which can generate a wave of attention and then you can redirect the interested traffic towards your blog or vlogs on youtube.
Basically, the best way to promote your food and also the food tourism expect is by following the trends on these digital platforms and by upgrading your digital skills whenever you get the time. You shouldn’t miss out on any opportunity that you can capitalize online and that way you can stimulate people’s interest in general.
- 15 Oct 2021
- travel nepal, nepal travel